Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Susan Boyle Takes Her Shot

I first was introduced to Susan Boyle, sixteen days ago, when I saw her amazing Britain's Got Talent audition on youtube. And for the past sixteen days, I have been devouring every clip of Susan that I could find on the internet, television and in the newspapers. It seems I haven't been alone.

Millions of people from places all across this world have been doing the same thing. Her video clip is now up to 125 million views and counting! What is it about Susan that has ignited this huge response?

I think people like her so much because she took a shot at success against what may have seen to us, and to her a long shot at best. She knew she was great, but would the judges and the audience think so? They could of laughed. And they did! But still she persevered and she won us over.

She was the "underdog" and we could see a part of us within her. We wanted her to succeed because we want to succeed ourselfs. She is us! Will her voice sell? Yes, and the numbers will be huge!

When life gives you a shot. Take it, and give the opportunity everything you got. I would like to leave you with this short poem that I wrote.

Here's to Susan Boyle
Who for 35 years did toil
Singin' into a hairbrush
Perfection you can't rush

So if you want to be the best
Then you can never, ever rest
You never know when fate will call
Invitin' you to Life's Great Ball

Know this. There is a man in Maine cheering for you everyday!